I place in the contest "Best Website UEPA"

Author: Кафедра ОТСиС on 24-04-2018, 08:34, Views: 3 407

In Academy summed up results of the contest "Best site of the Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy". The Commission considered 27 sites subdivisions Academy, of which 17 - departments sites, 6 - faculties and institutes, 2 - site of students, site training center for foreign nationals, site of the educational and scientific center and came to the conclusion that the winners are the following sites:
1. The first place - site of the Department of Labour Safety, Standardization and Certification (https://kafotss.kharkov.ua/eng).
2. The second place - site of the Department of Information Computer and Polygraphy Technologies (http://ikpt.uipa.edu.ua/en).
3. The third place - site of the Educational and Scientific Vocational Pedagogical Institute (Bakhmut) (http://nnppi.in.ua).
Congratulations to all of the department with a victory in this contest!