Development, implementation and certification of the quality management system of educational services institutions for compliance with the requirements of ISO 9000

European integration of Ukraine requires public introduction of European standards and rules of functioning of key national systems, particularly systems of quality management products and services.

According to the Law of Ukraine "On education" (Article 16. Quality Assurance System of Higher Education), each university should have a system of internal quality assurance of educational activity which involves a series of procedures and measures.

We propose to develop, implement and certify quality management system (QMS) educational services in compliance with the requirements of ISO 9000.

We offer:

- Provide the legal, regulatory and methodological assistance in development of QMS;

- To represent your interests in the certification body during the certification procedure;

- Prepare (increase qualifications) for your experts who can serve their own QMS and present it to the certification body.

Development and implementation of QMS educational services allow you to:

- Improve the quality of education and the attractiveness of universities for students;

- To improve the ranking universities in national and international rating projects;

- Present their QMS at various levels, including the Ministry of Education, which will be confirmed by the relevant certificate;

- Ensure that the requirements of Article 16 of the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education".

We have years of experience in the development and certification of QMS, both in industry and education, helping to develop and certify appropriate systems in universities that received the support of MES of Ukraine.

How to contact us?

Head of Department of Labour Protection, Standardization and Certification, prof. Roman Trishch.

Tel. (057) 733-78-24, mob. Tel. +38 (095) 6938597, e-mail:

Address: Str. University 16, Bldg. 2, k. 308 (metro Square Constitution)
