Development and certification of the quality management system of care health institutions in compliance with ISO 9000

European integration of Ukraine requires public introduction of European standards and rules of functioning of key national systems, particularly systems of quality management products and services. Therefore, according to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine № 492-p of 06.19.2013 "On approval of a plan for the development, implementation and operation of quality management systems (QMS)" provides encouraging domestic enterprises, institutions and organizations in the development and certification of QMS for compliance international standards.

Health care personally institutions that provide secondary (specialized) and tertiary (highly specialized) medical care, interested in the development of QMS for compliance with the international standards ISO 9000, primarily to pass the accreditation facility under orders from the Ministry of Health Ukraine №1116 on 12.20.2013, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine 01.13.2014 "Changes to the Criteria state accreditation of health facilities, approved by the Ministry of health of Ukraine from March 14, 2011 №142, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on June 6, 2011 under number 679 / 19,417. "

Development and implementation of QMS medical care will allow you to:

- Improve the quality of care;

- Increase the ranking of your medical institution in national and international rating projects;

- Present their QMS, which is certified by national or international certification body, at different levels;

- Report to the Ministry of Health of Ukraine on innovative projects and implement an effective QMS that meets the requirements of ISO 9000.

We offer:

- Hold a seminar and provide advice on the relevance, complexity and methods of work associated with the development, implementation and certification of QMS;

- Provide the legal, regulatory and methodological assistance in the development of the necessary documents;

- Prepare your professionals who can implement their own QMS to submit it to the certification body and constantly improve.

The cost of developing the QMS depends on several factors, as determined when discussing the project.

We have years of experience in the development and certification of QMS in industry and education.

How to contact us?

Head of Department of Labour Protection, Standardization and Certification, prof. Roman Trishch.

Tel. (057) 733-78-24, mob. Tel. +38 (095) 6938597, e-mail:

Address: Str. University 16, Bldg. 2, k. 308 (metro Square Constitution)
