International Winter School "Education 4.0 and Pedagogical Excellence"
Author: Кафедра ОТСиС on 3-01-2025, 17:13, Views: 86
Our teachers and graduate students took part in the international winter school "Education 4.0 and Pedagogical Excellence", which was held
December 16-20, 2024
on the basis of the "Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy" of the KhNU named after V.N. Karazin on the initiative of the Department of Information Computer Technologies and Mathematics and the Center for Innovative Educational Technologies.
The fifth international winter school of pedagogical excellence was supported by:
of the Public Union "Association for the Development of Professional and Continuous Education";
The project "Strengthening the capabilities of Ukrainian academic workers in innovative pedagogical and psychological education and research", which is implemented by the University named after H. Masaryk (Brno) with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic;
Erasmus+ of the CRED4TEACH project "Micro-qualifications based on MOOS for the professional development of teachers";
Erasmus+ of the UA-Talent-UP project "Development of entrepreneurship, creativity and intercultural competences for quality teaching in Ukraine".

December 16-20, 2024
on the basis of the "Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy" of the KhNU named after V.N. Karazin on the initiative of the Department of Information Computer Technologies and Mathematics and the Center for Innovative Educational Technologies.
The fifth international winter school of pedagogical excellence was supported by:
of the Public Union "Association for the Development of Professional and Continuous Education";
The project "Strengthening the capabilities of Ukrainian academic workers in innovative pedagogical and psychological education and research", which is implemented by the University named after H. Masaryk (Brno) with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic;
Erasmus+ of the CRED4TEACH project "Micro-qualifications based on MOOS for the professional development of teachers";
Erasmus+ of the UA-Talent-UP project "Development of entrepreneurship, creativity and intercultural competences for quality teaching in Ukraine".
Progressive teaching: components of the quality system of higher education
Author: Elena on 4-05-2023, 15:20, Views: 841

Associate professors of the department Tetiana Fursova and Olena Cherniak participated in online training events "Progressive teaching: components of the quality system of higher education". Read the full news for details.
Participation of the representative of the department in the activities for the Day of labor protection
Author: Elena on 29-04-2023, 15:28, Views: 769

Assistant professor of the department Olena Cherniak took part in an event for the Day of Labor Protection at the Kharkiv Regional Employment Service. In her report, she familiarized employees and heads of departments with the rules for maintaining mental health at the workplace in wartime conditions, talked about measures of psychosocial support and ways to combat stress.
Memorial Day of the Chernobyl tragedy
Author: Elena on 26-04-2023, 18:12, Views: 739

On April 26, 2023, the teachers of the department held an educational event dedicated to the International Day of Remembrance of the Chernobyl disaster. The event was attended by almost 100 listeners, among whom were representatives of the student body and teaching staff of UEPA.
Winter school of a young scientist 3.0.
Author: Elena on 15-04-2023, 21:09, Views: 766

Congratulations to Docent, Ph.D., Head of the Council of Young Scientists of UEPA, Olena Cherniak, on the successful completion of the Winter School of Young Scientist 3.0.
Participation in webinars "Labor safety competencies. Basic course"
Author: Elena on 11-04-2023, 01:19, Views: 700
Docent of the department Olena Cherniak completed a cycle of educational trainings on safety and health at work: "Labor safety competences. Basic course". Details in the full news.

Participation in the special project "Ukraine-EU Association Agreement"
Author: Elena on 24-03-2023, 13:16, Views: 727
Associate professor of the department Hanna Hrinchenko participated in the online special project "Ukraine-EU Association Agreement".

Mentor School
Author: Elena on 16-03-2023, 20:34, Views: 789

Congratulations to Associate Professor, Ph.D. Tetiana Fursova on the successful completion of the "Mentor School" project
Look under your feet! Watch where you are going!
Author: Elena on 10-03-2023, 19:31, Views: 805

Our teachers of the department have mastered the course "Look at your feet! Watch where you're going!" on the educational online platform "Understood!. During the course, they learned how to protect themselves and their relatives from explosive objects left behind by the occupiers.
Career guidance event with the Slavic Vocational College
Author: Elena on 23-02-2023, 13:30, Views: 715

Career orientation meetings with applicants are one of the important activities carried out by the department. On February 23, 2023, the head of the department Hennadiy Kanuk, deputy dean Svitlana Artiukh, assistant professor of the department Olena Cherniak held an online meeting with the Slavic Vocational College. The department's specialties and announcements of the admissions campaign were presented at the meeting.