I place in the contest "Best Website UEPA"

Author: Кафедра ОТСиС on 30-05-2020, 23:58, Views: 1 888

In Academy summed up results of the contest "Best site of the Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy". The Commission considered 25 sites subdivisions Academy, of which 18 - departments sites, 6 - faculties and institute, and came to the conclusion that the winners are the following sites:
1. The first place - site of the Department of Labour Safety, Standardization and Certification (https://kafotss.kharkov.ua/eng).
2. The second place - site of the Department of Information Computer Technologies and Mathematics (http://ikpt.uipa.edu.ua/en).
3. The third place - site of the Department of Pedagogy, Methods and Management of Education (pmpn.uipa.edu.ua)
4. The fourth place - site of the Educational and Scientific Vocational Pedagogical Institute (Bakhmut) (http://nnppi.in.ua).
Congratulations to all of the department with a victory in this contest!


Participation in the quiz to the Day for Safety and Health at Work

Author: Elena on 22-05-2020, 21:37, Views: 1 703

Our teachers not only conduct classes online, but also take part in various professional quizzes. Ph.D., Docent, Artyukh Svetlana and Ph.D., Asis. Cherniak Elena took part in the quiz to the Day for Safety and Health at Work. We entered the top 50 best and received valuable gifts (personal protective equipment from TM DeltaPlus).

World Metrology Day

Author: Elena on 20-05-2020, 10:00, Views: 1 630

Metrology is the exact of all exact sciences. It is dedicated to measurements. Her data is generally accepted and undeniable. All spheres of human life related to measures and weights from trade to the protection of nature depend on this. The motto of World Metrology Day 2020 “Measurement for international trade” was chosen to show the important role that measurements play in promoting fair international trade, removing technical barriers, ensuring that products meet standards and regulations, and meeting consumer quality expectations.