Привітання завідувача кафедри Тріща Романа Михайловича зі Всесвітнім днем метрології

Author: Elena on 20-05-2021, 11:00, Views: 1 231

Dear colleagues, teachers, graduate students, students! Happy World Metrology Day!
Metrology is the exact of all exact sciences. It is about measurements. Her data is generally accepted and undeniable. I wish everyone involved in this industry a ton of health, so that only joy and happiness are on the scales of life, and do not deviate a single centimeter from the goal.

I place in the contest "Best Website UEPA"

Author: Elena on 7-05-2021, 10:59, Views: 1 340


In Academy summed up results of the contest "Best site of the Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy". The Commission considered 21 sites subdivisions Academy, of which 15 - departments sites, 6 - faculties and institute, and came to the conclusion that the winners are the following sites:

1. The first place - site of the Department of Labour Safety, Standardization and Certification 

2. The second place - site of the Department of Information Computer Technologies and Mathematics 

3. The third place - site of the scientific activity UEPA

Congratulations of the department with a victory in this contest!


Congratulations of the head of the department Trishch Roman on Easter

Author: Кафедра ОТСиС on 2-05-2021, 09:30, Views: 1 258

Dear teachers, graduate students, students and entrants! Congratulations on the Bright Sunday of Christ.  Light and kindness, prosperity and prosperity, faith and love to you.  Peace and happiness to your home, to you, family and friends.  Christ is risen!