ІІ International Scientific and Practical Conference "Quality, Standardization and Metrological Equipment" (ІІ_ISPC "QSME")
Author: Elena on 25-02-2023, 17:48, Views: 710
We invite you to take part in the II International Scientific and Practical Conference "Quality, Standardization and Metrological Support" on Mart 14 - 15, 2023, UEPA, Kharkiv, Ukraine. The format of the event is online. More details on the link https://kafotss.kharkov.ua/ukr/qsm2023.html
Career guidance event with the Slavic Vocational College
Author: Elena on 23-02-2023, 13:30, Views: 682
Career orientation meetings with applicants are one of the important activities carried out by the department. On February 23, 2023, the head of the department Hennadiy Kanuk, deputy dean Svitlana Artiukh, assistant professor of the department Olena Cherniak held an online meeting with the Slavic Vocational College. The department's specialties and announcements of the admissions campaign were presented at the meeting.
Memorial Day of the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred
Author: Elena on 20-02-2023, 10:30, Views: 694
On this day, the participants of the Revolution of Dignity of 2013-2014 and those who died during the protests are remembered, how at the cost of their lives they defended the ideals of democracy, defended the rights and freedoms of citizens, and the European future of our country.
An Introduction to Qualitative Methods in Research in the United State
Author: Elena on 10-02-2023, 00:44, Views: 704
08.02.2023 graduate students of the AMET Department Oleksandr Dolmatov, Pavlo Galinskyi, Serhiy Zaika and their supervisor, associate professor Fursova Tetiana listened to an online lecture by the Director of Education Coursetune, a senior researcher at the Academy of Higher Education and the founder of The Grad Academy, an academic consulting group for professors and graduate students , Ph.D. Jonathan Cisco "An Introduction to Qualitative Methods in Research in the United States" on the "Ukraine Global Faculty" platform.
Participation in a round table from the Office of Scientist Support
Author: Elena on 7-02-2023, 20:52, Views: 642
Our teachers, representatives of the Council of Young Scientists of UIPA and postgraduate students of the department participated in the round table "Digital transformation of scientific activity in institutions of higher education in conditions of integration". The purpose of the event was to discuss the experience of using digital services and e-infrastructures in higher education institutions, consider the features of using open science tools, the features of digitization of scientific activities, and exchange experiences.
Author: Elena on 3-02-2023, 21:48, Views: 687
Associate professors of the department Nataliia Antonenko, Hanna Hrinchenko, Viktoriya Kniazeva, Olena Cherniak, Tetiiana Fursova listened to the course "TEACHERS' SMART UP: WINTER PRODUCTIVITY" from Sigma Software University.
Making changes to the field of knowledge and specialty
Author: Elena on 1-02-2023, 09:02, Views: 841
Entrants, news for you! According to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1392 dated 16.22.2022, the 15th branch "Automation and Instrumentation" is excluded from the list. And the 151 specialty is transferred to the 17th branch "Electronics, automation and electronic communications" under the number 174 and the name "Automation, computer-integrated technologies and robotics".
Please note that the educational program "Automation and computer-integrated technologies" has not changed. From 2023, all entrants at various educational and qualification levels will enroll in specialty 174 "Automation, computer-integrated technologies and robotics".