World Science Day for Peace and Development

Author: Elena on 10-11-2023, 12:12, Views: 691

Congratulations to scientists! The theme of World Science Day is 10 November 2023: Building trust in science. The role of science in shaping our common future can only be fulfilled when there is trust in science. It is trust in science that promotes the development and application of science-based solutions to the multifaceted challenges of our world. In addition, increased trust in science strengthens science-based policy decisions and public support for their application.

Online career guidance meetings

Author: Elena on 7-11-2023, 11:04, Views: 749

7 November 2023, students of municipal educational institutions of the Rohan village council of the Kharkiv district of the Kharkiv region joined the career guidance event organised by representatives of the Faculty of Energy and Automation. Details in the full news.