
Civil protection training

Author: Elena on 27-09-2019, 23:02, Views: 2 275

26.09.2019, the teachers of our department actively participated in the complex object training on civil protection.

Corporate party in nature

Author: Elena on 25-08-2019, 21:20, Views: 1 738

After the holidays, the friendly staff of the department met at a summer corporate party.

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

Author: Кафедра ОТСиС on 1-01-2019, 00:01, Views: 2 497


Dear teachers, students, entrants, graduates!

We congratulate you New Year and Merry Christmas!

With a great pleasure we congratulate you on a New Year and Merry Christmas! Let the destiny be favorable to you in the New Year, problems far from you and the life be fun and happy!


Congratulations to the graduates of masters!

Author: Elena on 19-12-2018, 13:30, Views: 2 153

   17, 18, 19 december 2018 took place on the protection of master's diploma students work on a specialty 152 "Metrology and Information and measuring equipment"

Primary accreditation examination of the specialty

Author: Elena on 14-12-2018, 15:56, Views: 2 316

In the period from December 12 to 14, an initial accreditation examination of the educational and professional program was conducted "Quality, standardization and certification" in the specialty 152 "Metrology and information-measuring equipment" for the second (master) level of higher education.

Exams for obtaining expert competence certificates

Author: Кафедра ОТСиС on 24-09-2018, 21:45, Views: 2 485

On September 21, 2018, 30 employees of laboratories of Kievvodokanal successfully passed the examinations for obtaining certificates of competence of the expert in the field of the technical regulation of measuring instruments. Examinations on the basis of the headquarters of Kyivvodokanal was accepted by an examination committee, headed by Professor of the Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Roman Trish

Visiting seminar for teachers of the department

Author: Elena on 1-07-2018, 12:21, Views: 2 549

On June 30, an exit seminar was held for the staff of the department of labor protection, standardization and certification. Within the framework of the seminar an excursion was organized to the I.E. Repin Art and Memorial Museum (Chuguev, Kharkov region).

Participation in scientific and practical seminar "The study of causal relationships during the engineering and technical expertise"

Author: Elena on 24-05-2018, 19:00, Views: 2 601


May 24, 2018 on the basis of the Kharkov Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Science examinations named Dist. prof. N.S. Bokariusa held a scientific and practical seminar on the problems of causal relationships in the conduct of engineering and technical expertise.

The head of the department of labor protection, standardization and certification was invited to the seminar, Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. Trishch Roman, who made a presentation "Methodical aspects of the implementation of the system of hygiene and safety management at the enterprise."


Day of Science

Author: Elena on 23-05-2018, 15:00, Views: 2 798

May 22 in the auditorium of the Academy held a solemn meeting of teachers and students, dedicated to the Day of Science. Head of our department Trisha Romanа and students of 3-5 courses were awarded with diplomas for significant achievements in scientific work!

I place in the contest "Best Website UEPA"

Author: Кафедра ОТСиС on 24-04-2018, 08:34, Views: 3 430

In Academy summed up results of the contest "Best site of the Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy". The Commission considered 27 sites subdivisions Academy, of which 17 - departments sites, 6 - faculties and institutes, 2 - site of students, site training center for foreign nationals, site of the educational and scientific center and came to the conclusion that the winners are the following sites:
1. The first place - site of the Department of Labour Safety, Standardization and Certification (
2. The second place - site of the Department of Information Computer and Polygraphy Technologies (
3. The third place - site of the Educational and Scientific Vocational Pedagogical Institute (Bakhmut) (
Congratulations to all of the department with a victory in this contest!