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III place in Ukrainian competition of student research papers

Author: Elena on 21-03-2018, 17:30, Views: 2 474

20-21 March 2018 at the Lviv State University of Life Safety held Ukrainian competition of student papers in "Technological safety" and "Civil Safety (life safety)". Students gr. ДEA-ПOEн17 мг. and ДEA-ПOO16пр. Chernyak Kateryna and Zvereva Julia received the diploma of III degree. We congratulate and wish them further success in their studies and research work!

Excursion to the PJSC "Kharkiv Machine Building Plant "SVET SHAKHTYORA"

Author: Elena on 21-02-2018, 15:00, Views: 4 960

02/21/2018 students and teachers of the department visited the excursion to the Public Joint Stock Company "Kharkiv Machine Building Plant "SVET SHAKHTYORA". Students learned about the history of the enterprise and got acquainted with the production departments.

Outside registration for EIT

Author: Кафедра ОТСиС on 15-02-2018, 21:11, Views: 2 442

On February 15, 2018, the staff of the department together with the admission committee carried out a trip to Shevchenko Professional Agrarian Lyceum to register students for external independent test. 56 students of the Lyceum were registered. At the time of registration with students, vocational guidance work was conducted.

Happy New year and Merry Christmas!

Author: Elena on 1-01-2018, 03:49, Views: 3 523


Dear teachers, students, entrants!

We congratulate you New Year and Merry Christmas!

We wish you good health, happiness, good and peace, enjoyment of all personal desires, dreams and plans. May the New Year bring you only the well-being, family warmth, respect and love of of relatives and close people.


Congratulations to the graduates of masters!

Author: Elena on 26-12-2017, 15:00, Views: 2 790


   20, 22, 26 december 2017 took place on the protection of master's diploma students work on a specialty 152 "Metrology and Information and measuring equipment"


Defense of dissertations

Author: Elena on 22-12-2017, 19:30, Views: 2 475


22.12.2017 the regular meeting of the Dissertation Council К.64.108.04 on specialty 05.01.02 - standardization, certification and metrological equipment (the chairman - doctor of technical sciences, professor Roman Trisch), which passed public defense of dissertations Kim Natalia, Chelysheva Svitlana.

Dissertations attracted interest from scientists who noted the relevance of the research, pointed to the importance of the results, but at the same time expressed their views debatable character.


Youth Conference «Physics. Computer science. Communication»

Author: Кафедра ОТСиС on 8-12-2017, 12:53, Views: 27 902

December 8, 2017, students and teachers of the Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy took part in the youth conference "Physics. Computer science Communication ", which was held at the Kharkov secondary school №83. During the conference, the exhibition "Physics. Computer science Communication: Young People's Eyes", in which the exposition of the Department of Labour Safety, Standardization and Certification and the Department of Information, Computer and Polygraphic Technologies were presented.

Visiting to the Kharkov Drama Theater named T. Shevchenko

Author: Elena on 26-11-2017, 23:00, Views: 2 430


26.11. 2017 students of the group DEA-ПOO14 and DEA-ПOO15pr. together with the curator Chernyak Elena visited the play ""The sea of life"" at the Kharkiv State Academic Drama Theater named T. Shevchenko.

Deep in content story, as well as a wonderful game of actors gave positive emotions and impressions.


Visiting to the Kharkov Drama Theater named T. Shevchenko

Author: Elena on 19-11-2017, 13:54, Views: 2 529

18.11.2017 students of the group DEA-ПOO17, together with curator Olga Cherkashina, visited the performance "Funny Money" at the Kharkov State Academic Drama Theater named T. Shevchenko

World Standards Day

Author: Elena on 14-10-2017, 10:00, Views: 2 470

Each year on 14 October, the members of the IEC, ISO and ITU celebrate World Standards Day, which is a means of paying tribute to the collaborative efforts of the thousands of experts worldwide who develop the voluntary technical agreements that are published as international standards.
Every year the holidays pass under a certain motto. In 2016, the motto - "Standards make cities smarter"