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Day of workers of Standardization and Metrology

Author: Elena on 10-10-2017, 01:03, Views: 2 451

October 8, 1901 Dmitry Mendeleev initiated the establishment and opening of the first tents for checking in Kharkov. It reconciled and made branding weights and trade measures. The 101 th anniversary of this event, as well as extended to workers in this sector contribute to the state economy and the presidential decree was issued. The date of the festival decided to define 2 days later and was appointed for 10 October.
Day of Standardization and Metrology in Ukraine celebrate employees who control measuring equipment and oversee production quality, set standards for an exact match of manufactured goods, process and service provided to their purpose. This metrology (verification officers) standardizer, engineers, and many others, who are involved in this field.

Congratulations to the graduates of masters!

Author: Elena on 16-06-2017, 22:57, Views: 2 574

16 june 2017 took place on the protection of master's diploma students work on a specialty "Professional education. Metrology, standardization and certification" and "Professional education. Labour Safety".

World no tobacco day

Author: Elena on 31-05-2017, 18:30, Views: 2 719

31/05/2017 World No Tobacco Day, the Department of health and safety, standardization and certification was carried information event dedicated to the fight against smoking. Students presented of the report presentational on "Tobacco - a threat to development"

World Metrology Day

Author: Elena on 20-05-2017, 10:00, Views: 2 699

World Metrology Day is an annual celebration of the signature of the Metre Convention on 20 May 1875 by representatives of seventeen nations. The Convention set the framework for global collaboration in the science of measurement and in its industrial, commercial and societal applications. The original aim of the Metre Convention - the world-wide uniformity of measurement - remains as important today as it was in 1875. The theme for World Metrology Day 2017 is Measurements for transport.

Defense of dissertations

Author: Elena on 19-05-2017, 20:00, Views: 2 730


18.05.2017 and 19.05.2017 the regular meeting of the Dissertation Council К.64.108.04 on specialty 05.01.02 - standardization, certification and metrological equipment (the chairman - doctor of technical sciences, professor Roman Trisch), which passed public defense of dissertations Didenko Natalia, Alravashdeh Baker, Pakhalovych Mykola;- for the scientific degree of candidate of technical sciences.

Dissertations attracted interest from scientists who noted the relevance of the research, pointed to the importance of the results, but at the same time expressed their views debatable character.


Visit the exhibition of embroidered towels and wedding attributes

Author: Elena on 6-05-2017, 23:00, Views: 2 886

04.05.2017 students from the curators department labour safety, standardization and certification visited the exhibition towels and wedding attributes in the regional organizational and methodical center of culture and art.
The exhibition presented the attributes used in wedding rituals: over 50 towels, made in different techniques of traditional embroidery, unique authentic dress brides dating to the early twentieth century, supernatural protection dolls, wedding hiltse, loaves, cakes, cups.

Master class from the Red Cross the first medical aid

Author: Elena on 28-04-2017, 21:12, Views: 2 802


28.04.2017 of the World Day for Safety and Health at Work, the Department of Labour Safety, Standardization and Certification, a master class of the first medical aid by the Red Cross of Kharkiv.


Visiting to the Kharkov Drama Theater named T. Shevchenko

Author: Elena on 27-04-2017, 23:00, Views: 2 347


April 27, 2017 students with teachers visited the Kharkov State Academic Drama Theater named after T. Shevchenko, where they watched the play "Primadonna". Funny comedy with an interesting story all very much.


International Day of Memory about the Chernobyl disaster

Author: Elena on 26-04-2017, 22:56, Views: 3 630

26/04/2017 in the international day of remembrance of the Chernobyl disaster, the Department of labor protection, standardization and certification, hosted a screening of the documentary "Chernobyl lost world" and exhibition of posters "Echo of Chernobyl".

World Day for Safety and Health at Work - 2017

Author: Кафедра ОТСиС on 23-04-2017, 13:38, Views: 2 801


Optimize the collection and use of occupational safety and health (OSH) data - theme of the World Day for Safety and Health at Work in 2017.

A non-standard topic carries a very valuable idea - to help ILO member states streamline the process of collecting and applying information on occupational safety and health.

In order to achieve this goal, the ILO has conceived the preparation of a package of training materials that will cover a wide range of OSH issues and will contain methodological recommendations on the optimal approach from the ILO perspective to the systematization and use of disparate data on industrial accidents and occupational diseases.
