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Seminar for the implementation of Quality Management Systems

Author: Kiporenko on 22-03-2016, 15:32, Views: 2 655

In March 2016 the head of the department Roman Trisch conducted seminars for management staff of the Kharkov Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education for the implementation of quality management systems ISO 9001, ISO 19011: 2011 in higher education.

Visiting the exhibition "CMI. Electronics. Energy - 2016"

Author: Kiporenko on 22-03-2016, 14:14, Views: 3 126

March 16, 2016 the students of the Department visited the 17 specialized exhibition "CMI. Electronics. Energy - 2016". Location: Exhibition Center "Radmir Expohall". The event was organized senior lecturer Daniel Shmatkov

III place in Ukrainian competition of student research papers

Author: Кафедра ОТСиС on 21-03-2016, 16:17, Views: 2 713

In the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the field of Sciences "Applied geometry, engineering graphics and ergonomics" Anastasiya Tashlikovich, student gr. ДЕА-ПОО12+ПОО13пр, took the III place. Supervisor student - assistant professor of Department of Labour Safety, Standardization and Certification Yulia Lys. We wish them further success in their studies and research work!

Video Contest Winner

Author: Кафедра ОТСиС on 17-03-2016, 23:07, Views: 3 117

On March 17 last faculty competition videos best work is recognized as work groups of students ДЕА-ПОО12 + ПОО13пр. This video will take part in the academic competition, which will take place on 22 March.

Registration for EIT

Author: Кафедра ОТСиС on 17-02-2016, 15:23, Views: 3 090


February 15, 2016 members of the department, together with a selection committee realized exit Shevchenko professional agrarian lyceum for the registration of students in the external independent test.


Spent batteries off for recycling

Author: Kiporenko on 4-01-2016, 18:47, Views: 3 441

Students of the department was sent exhausted batteries to Lviv for recycle.  This is the second party of batteries that set off to Lviv to a recycling facility "Argentum".

We congratulate you on the coming New Year and Merry Christmas!

Author: Elena on 30-12-2015, 02:32, Views: 2 737


We congratulate you on the coming New Year and Merry Christmas!


We wish you good health, happiness, good and peace, enjoyment of all personal desires, dreams and plans.
May the New Year bring you only the well-being, family warmth, respect and love of of relatives and close people.
A shining star Christmas unites all of us - those who meet these holidays with the family circle, and those who are far from home - pure light of inextinguishable the values of human dignity and, as in every family there is peace and quiet.
Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!


Career Guidance in Kegichovka region

Author: Кафедра ОТСиС on 11-12-2015, 00:53, Views: 2 921


December 11, 2015 Career Guidance was held in Kegichovka Region. Presentation of the department and specialties were held in Chapayevka School, Medvedevka School, Kegichovka Lyceum and Andreevka School


Climate March - 2015

Author: Elena on 26-11-2015, 20:36, Views: 2 946


We invite students, faculty and staff of the Academy, are not indifferent to the current state of the environment, take part in social ecological action «Climate March - 2015», which will be held November 29th 2015. The purpose of the action: to attract the attention of residents of Kharkov climate change and the formation of ecological consciousness.
The event program:
12.30 - gathering of participants (at HNATOB).
13.00 - passage of the column (HNATOB - Garden them. Shevchenko - Freedom Square.).
13.30-15.00 - a flash mob in the Freedom Square.
Contact telephone number: 067 570 60 92 Olga Yurganova


Charity action "I - donor"

Author: Elena on 27-10-2015, 09:43, Views: 3 449


October 26, 2015 students of the academy with the lecturer at the department of labour safety, standardization and certification Elena Chernyak, visited Kharkiv regional blood service center and have handed charitable blood. Students on personal experience that it is safe, a noble and useful!
