Publication of a monograph
Author: Elena on 27-06-2022, 01:18, Views: 936

The collective monograph of the teachers of the department Kanyuk Hennadiy, Fursova Tetyana, Mezeri Andriy and post-graduate students Chebotaryov Anton , Bondarenko Yuriy “DEVELOPMENT AND IMPROVEMENT OF DIAGNOSTIC SUPPLY OF NPP POWER UNITS”.
Science Day in Ukraine
Author: Elena on 21-05-2022, 12:42, Views: 1 006

Dear scientists! Happy Science Day to you! Good health, strength and inspiration, professional intuition and growth, new discoveries in the name of Science and the Ukrainian State!
Results of the International scientific-practical conference "Quality, standardization and metrological equipment"
Author: Elena on 27-01-2022, 22:07, Views: 1 097

On January 25-26, 2022, the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Quality, Standardization and Metrological Equipment" was held at the Ukrainian Academy of Engineering and Pedagogy on the basis of the Department of Automation, Metrology and Energy Efficient Technologies together with the Public Association "Association of Vocational and Continuing Education".
The purpose of the conference was to address topical issues and exchange experiences in the field of quality, standardization and metrological support with representatives of institutions of higher and vocational education, research institutions of Ukraine and abroad (Lithuania).
International scientific-practical conference "Quality, standardization and metrological assurance"
Author: Elena on 6-01-2022, 22:32, Views: 1 065

We invite you to take part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Quality, Standardization and Metrological Support" on January 25 - 26, 2022, UEPA, Kharkiv, Ukraine. The format of the event is online. More details on the link
Meeting of scientific advisers, graduate students and guarantor
Author: Elena on 17-12-2021, 00:22, Views: 1 100

12/16/2021 a meeting of scientific advisers, graduate students, young scientists, head of graduate school, deputy first vice-rector and guarantor of the educational and scientific program "Quality, standardization and metrological support" (specialty 152 Metrology and information-measuring technology).
Support with stakeholders
Author: Elena on 12-11-2021, 09:06, Views: 1 080
On November 11, 2021, a meeting of teachers, scientific advisers and graduate students with a stakeholder, Ph.D., director of the Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Specialists in Metrology (IPKM) Olga Maletskaya, took place.

Participation in the international conference
Author: Elena on 5-11-2021, 14:27, Views: 4 203
November 4, 2021 Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department Trishch Roman took part in the V-th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Mechatronic Systems: Innovation and Engineering".

Author: Elena on 30-10-2021, 09:36, Views: 1 180

On October 28, 2021, a meeting of graduate students, teachers and scientific leaders with a stakeholder, Ph.D., founder of OOS PromStandard LLC, PersonnelExpert Certification Body LLC Marina Denisenko took place.
Defense of dissertations
Author: Elena on 24-09-2021, 19:00, Views: 1 038
24.09.2021 the regular meeting of the Dissertation Council К.64.108.04 on specialty 05.01.02 - standardization, certification and metrological equipment , which passed public defense of dissertations Andriy Trishch .

Participation in the International Symposium
Author: Elena on 13-09-2021, 10:34, Views: 1 098
From September 7 to September 11, 2021, the teachers of the department took part in the XXXI International Scientific Symposium "METROLOGY AND Metrological Support 2021", which took place in the city of Sozopol, Bulgaria.
The Dean of the Faculty, Ph.D., Assoc. Nataliia Antonenko, lecturers of the department, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assoc. Svetlana Artyukh, Ph.D., Assoc. Viktoria Burdeyna, Ph.D., Art. teacher Viktoria Knyazeva and Head of the Department of Physics, Electromechanics and Power Engineering Artem Chernyuk.

The Dean of the Faculty, Ph.D., Assoc. Nataliia Antonenko, lecturers of the department, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assoc. Svetlana Artyukh, Ph.D., Assoc. Viktoria Burdeyna, Ph.D., Art. teacher Viktoria Knyazeva and Head of the Department of Physics, Electromechanics and Power Engineering Artem Chernyuk.