Video Contest Winner
Author: Кафедра ОТСиС on 17-03-2016, 23:07, Views: 3 180

Charity action "I - donor"
Author: Elena on 27-10-2015, 09:43, Views: 3 514

October 26, 2015 students of the academy with the lecturer at the department of labour safety, standardization and certification Elena Chernyak, visited Kharkiv regional blood service center and have handed charitable blood. Students on personal experience that it is safe, a noble and useful!
Photo contest "My Ukraine"
Author: Elena on 25-10-2015, 20:02, Views: 2 941

Winners awarded pleasant gifts. Thanks for attended!
Excursion to the production-technical center "Pribor"
Author: Elena on 12-09-2015, 22:31, Views: 3 024

Students professions "Professional Education. Metrology, standardization and certification" and "Professional Education. Safety and Health" with curators Daniil Shmatkov and Svetlana Artyukh visited Production and technical Center, Kharkiv branch of the state enterprise "Kharkiv Regional Scientific and Production Center of Standardization Metrology and Certification", "Pribor".
Students learned about the laboratory base of the center, the work of structural units, calibration methods and means of control and measuring equipment.
Excursion to Drobytsky Yar
Author: Elena on 3-09-2015, 19:00, Views: 3 690

As part of the patriotic education of youth, 03/09/2015, the first-year students gr. ДEA-ПО15 professions "Professional Training. Labour Safety" and "Professional Training. Metrology, Standardization and Certification" together with the curator Daniel Shmatkov visited the Drobytsky Yar.
Action «I do not smoke, was conducted, and does not advise you»
Author: Elena on 29-05-2015, 14:50, Views: 3 369

28.05.2015 in eve the World day of waiver of smoking (on May, 31), by the Department of Labour Safety, Standardization and Certification, an annual action, sacred to the fight against smoking under a motto «I do not smoke, was conducted, and does not advise you».
Laying flowers at the monument "Eternal Flame"
Author: Elena on 8-05-2015, 17:36, Views: 3 164

May 7, 2015, on the eve of the Day of Remembrance and Reconciliation students of the Department of Labour Safety, Standardization and Certification laid flowers at the monument "Eternal Flame" in the square opposite the organ hall and honored the memory those killed in the Second World War, a moment of silence.
A visit to the exhibition in Kharkiv Municipal Gallery
Author: Elena on 4-05-2015, 17:36, Views: 25 409

05/04/2015 of gr. ДЕН-Бж12приск and gr. ДЕН-Бж1-1 with the curator Maya Smirnitskaya visited the exhibition of glass the author Trintsolin Evelina "Microclimate.".
A visit to the art exhibition "One of the 1.5 million"
Author: Elena on 29-04-2015, 16:00, Views: 3 195

04/29/2015 of gr. ДЕН-Бж12приск and gr. ДЕН-Бж1-1 with the curator Maya Smirnitskaya visited the Ukrainian art exhibition "One of the 1.5 million" in the Information and Exhibition Center "Buzok" dedicated to the 100th anniversary Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire
Master class from the Red Cross the first medical aid
Author: Elena on 28-04-2015, 14:30, Views: 23 907

28.04. 2015 of the World Day for Safety and Health at Work, the Department of Labour Safety, Standardization and Certification, a master class of the first medical aid by the Red Cross of Kharkiv.