Emergency response exercises in UEPA
Author: Кафедра ОТСиС on 27-05-2016, 13:07, Views: 3 336
Today in UIPA passed training on the organization of actions in case of fire or emergency. The exercise was attended by units of the fire and rescue service of the Shevchenko district of Kharkov, students, faculty and staff academy.
According to legend, the exercise as a result of man-made emergency structures were destroyed by the first academic building, three students were injured. Force sanitary squads rendered first aid and organized delivery of injured people to the clinic.
Students and teachers learned to put out the fire, wear a suit protiivogaz and personal protective equipment.
The exercises were used tanker, fire motor ladder, rescue vehicle and the separation of the voluntary fire brigade academy.
Сегодня на территории УИПА прошла тренировка по организации действий в случае пожара или чрезвычайной ситуации. В учениях принимали участие подразделения пожарно-спасательной службы Шевченковского района Харькова, студенты, преподаватели и персонал академии.
По легенде учений в результате техногенной чрезвычайной ситуации были разрушены конструкции первого учебного корпуса, пострадали трое студентов. Силами санитарной дружины оказана первая медицинская помощь и организована доставка травмированных людей в медучреждение.
Студенты и преподаватели учились тушить пожар, надевать протиивогаз и костюм индивидуальной защиты.
В учениях были задействованы автоцистерна, автолестница, аварийно-спасательный автомобиль и отделение добровольной пожарной дружины академии.
According to legend, the exercise as a result of man-made emergency structures were destroyed by the first academic building, three students were injured. Force sanitary squads rendered first aid and organized delivery of injured people to the clinic.
Students and teachers learned to put out the fire, wear a suit protiivogaz and personal protective equipment.
The exercises were used tanker, fire motor ladder, rescue vehicle and the separation of the voluntary fire brigade academy.
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