World Standards Day

Author: Кафедра ОТСиС on 14-10-2016, 20:15, Views: 3 341


Each year on 14 October, the members of the IEC, ISO and ITU celebrate World Standards Day, which is a means of paying tribute to the collaborative efforts of the thousands of experts worldwide who develop the voluntary technical agreements that are published as international standards.

Every year the holidays pass under a certain motto. In 2016, the motto - "Standards create trust"


Dr. Junji Nomura
Zhang Xiaogang
Houlin Zhao
Dr. Junji Nomura
IEC President
Zhang Xiaogang
ISO President
Houlin Zhao
ITU Secretary-General


Standards connect us with reliable modes of communication, codes of practice and trusted frameworks for cooperation. Introducing common interpretations on reciprocal sides of a communication or transaction, standards are essential to mutually beneficial trade and resource efficient international commerce.
Social interaction relies on common respect for fundamental sets of norms, concepts or meanings – international standards codify these norms to ensure that they are accessible to all.
A product or service conforming to an international standard is imbued with a trusted symbol of quality, safety or compatibility. Standards speak to the diversity of our interconnected world, introducing uniformity at the interfaces where we need to be certain that we are speaking on the same terms.



Every year the holidays pass under a certain motto. In 2016, the motto - "Standards create trust"


Dr. Junji Nomura
Zhang Xiaogang
Houlin Zhao
Dr. Junji Nomura
IEC President
Zhang Xiaogang
ISO President
Houlin Zhao
ITU Secretary-General


Standards connect us with reliable modes of communication, codes of practice and trusted frameworks for cooperation. Introducing common interpretations on reciprocal sides of a communication or transaction, standards are essential to mutually beneficial trade and resource efficient international commerce.
Social interaction relies on common respect for fundamental sets of norms, concepts or meanings – international standards codify these norms to ensure that they are accessible to all.
A product or service conforming to an international standard is imbued with a trusted symbol of quality, safety or compatibility. Standards speak to the diversity of our interconnected world, introducing uniformity at the interfaces where we need to be certain that we are speaking on the same terms.

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