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Visiting the the AVEC Kharkiv Gallery

Author: Elena on 30-01-2020, 15:59, Views: 2 160

January 30, 2020, students 3 and 4 courses, together with Associate Professor Burdeina Victoria visited the exhibition in the AVEC Kharkiv Gallery - "Chronicle of the Planet". The exposition presents the history of the Earth and the evolution of life in water and air, illustrated by collections of rare minerals, fossils, as well as modern species of mollusks and insects.

Visiting the Kharkov History Museum

Author: Elena on 23-01-2020, 14:23, Views: 1 946


January 23, 2020, students 3 and 4 courses, together with Associate Professor Burdeina Victoria visited the exhibition in Kharkov Historical Museum. To the 100th anniversary of the museum, three exhibitions were opened: "Slobozhane" - on the formation of the culture of the region; "Kaleidoscope of Museum Treasures in the Measurement of Time", "Traditions and Enlightenment".


Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

Author: Кафедра ОТСиС on 1-01-2020, 00:00, Views: 1 685

The Department of Labor Protection, Standardization and Certification wishes Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

May every day this year be filled with joy and desire to strive forward. Give others a smile and goodness, and fate will answer you the same. Let the plan come true and the boldest goals be achieved, and new ones come in their place. May this year be full of happiness, bright hopes, warm hugs and strong handshakes.

Congratulations to the graduates of masters!

Author: Elena on 19-12-2019, 14:13, Views: 1 768

On December 17-18, the master's theses of full-time and part-time students were defended under the educational program "Metrology and Information-Measuring Technique". We wish graduates new achievements and success in their professional activities!

Congratulations to the graduates of masters!

Author: Elena on 16-12-2019, 17:00, Views: 1 655

On December 16, 2019, the defenses of the master's diploma works of students of full-time education in the specialty "Vocational education. Labor protection" took place. The masters prepared presentations of their works and offered their recommendations for the development of the chosen direction of research.

Defense of dissertations

Author: Elena on 14-12-2019, 20:00, Views: 2 105


14.12.2019 the regular meeting of the Dissertation Council К.64.108.04 on specialty 05.01.02 - standardization, certification and metrological equipment , which passed public defense of dissertations Paslavsky Mykhaylo, Denysenko Andriy.


Defense of dissertations

Author: Elena on 13-12-2019, 17:00, Views: 1 782

13.12.2019 the regular meeting of the Dissertation Council К.64.108.04 on specialty 05.01.02 - standardization, certification and metrological equipment , which passed public defense of dissertations Danylenko Yuliyu.

Participation in audit

Author: Elena on 12-12-2019, 16:30, Views: 1 692

On December 11 and 12, 2019, the head of the department of labor protection, standardization and certification, Trishch Roman Mikhailovich, as a freelance auditor National Agency with Accreditation of Ukraine, participated in the assessment of the management system and the activities of the inspection body for compliance with the requirements of DSTU EN ISO / IEC 17020: 2014 at the Kharkov Scientific Research Institute of Forensics them. Failed prof. M.S. Bokariusa.

Attending an open lectures

Author: Elena on 2-12-2019, 11:35, Views: 1 946

In the period from 23.11.2019 - 03.12.2019 at the department held open lectures by teachers Ph.D. Burdeyna V.M., Assoc. Ph.D. Artyukh S.N., prof. Doctor of Technical Sciences Trisch R.M. Lectures were held at a high pedagogical level.

Attending an open lecture

Author: Elena on 12-11-2019, 14:00, Views: 1 700

The head of the department of Labor protection, standardization and certification, Roman Trishch, on November 12 attended an open lecture by a Ph.D., Assoc., head department of Management Babenko Kristina. An open lecture was held on the discipline "Critical thinking".  The lecture was held at a high level.