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Visiting to the Kharkov Drama Theater named T. Shevchenko

Author: Elena on 27-04-2017, 23:00, Views: 2 421


April 27, 2017 students with teachers visited the Kharkov State Academic Drama Theater named after T. Shevchenko, where they watched the play "Primadonna". Funny comedy with an interesting story all very much.


International Day of Memory about the Chernobyl disaster

Author: Elena on 26-04-2017, 22:56, Views: 3 709

26/04/2017 in the international day of remembrance of the Chernobyl disaster, the Department of labor protection, standardization and certification, hosted a screening of the documentary "Chernobyl lost world" and exhibition of posters "Echo of Chernobyl".

World Day for Safety and Health at Work - 2017

Author: Кафедра ОТСиС on 23-04-2017, 13:38, Views: 2 883


Optimize the collection and use of occupational safety and health (OSH) data - theme of the World Day for Safety and Health at Work in 2017.

A non-standard topic carries a very valuable idea - to help ILO member states streamline the process of collecting and applying information on occupational safety and health.

In order to achieve this goal, the ILO has conceived the preparation of a package of training materials that will cover a wide range of OSH issues and will contain methodological recommendations on the optimal approach from the ILO perspective to the systematization and use of disparate data on industrial accidents and occupational diseases.


III place in Ukrainian competition of student research papers

Author: Elena on 30-03-2017, 21:06, Views: 30 752

The National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine awarded the winners of the second stage of the All-Ukrainian student research in the field "Civil defense and fire safety." Industry Competition Commission II stage of Ukrainian student research in the field "Civil defense and fire safety" provided a review of 58 student papers received from 27 universities. April 30 in the conference hall of the institution vice-rector of civil defense, Colonel Vladimir Andronov presented awards. Diplomas and degrees awarded Oksana Pustovit from the Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy. Congratulations to Oksana with the victory and wish further success in teaching and scientific work!

All-Ukrainian student research in the field "Labour Safety"

Author: Elena on 28-03-2017, 21:00, Views: 2 689


March 28, 2017 in the Kharkov National Automobile and Highway University hosted the All-Ukrainian competition of student works in the field of "Labor Protection". Student gr. ДЕА-ПОО16мг. Yevgeniia Davydova received the diploma of III degree. We wish them further success in their studies and research work!


All-Ukrainian competition of student's works on the specialty "Technogenic safety"

Author: Elena on 23-03-2017, 23:47, Views: 2 539

22-23 March 2017 at the Lviv State University of Life Safety held All-Ukrainian competition of student works in "Technological safety". Student gr. ДЕА-ПOO14 Rybalchenko Tatiana received a diploma of the ІІІ degree. We wish you continued success in your studies and scientific work!

II place in Ukrainian competition of student research papers

Author: Кафедра ОТСиС on 22-03-2017, 01:06, Views: 2 438

In Ukrainian competition of student papers from the field of science "Applied geometry, engineering graphics and ergonomics" Ivanna Solodovnik, student gr. ДЕА-ПОСт13+ПОСт14пр, II took place. Supervisor student - assistant professor Department of Labour Safety, Standardization and Certification Yulia Lys. We wish you continued success in teaching and research work!

Defense of dissertations

Author: Elena on 24-02-2017, 21:00, Views: 2 573


23.02.2017 and 24.02.2017 the regular meeting of the Dissertation Council К.64.108.04 on specialty 05.01.02 - standardization, certification and metrological equipment (the chairman - doctor of technical sciences, professor Roman Trisch), which passed public defense of dissertations Gontar Tatianа, Beyner Nadiia, Babenko Igor  - for the scientific degree of candidate of technical sciences.

Dissertations attracted interest from scientists who noted the relevance of the research, pointed to the importance of the results, but at the same time expressed their views debatable character.


Happy New year and merry Christmas!

Author: Elena on 1-01-2017, 00:10, Views: 3 340


Dear teachers, students, entrants!
We congratulate you New Year and Merry Christmas!
We wish you good health, happiness, good and peace, enjoyment of all personal desires, dreams and plans.
May the New Year bring you only the well-being, family warmth, respect and love of of relatives and close people.
A shining star Christmas unites all of us - those who meet these holidays with the family circle, and those who are far from home - pure light of inextinguishable the values of human dignity and, as in every family there is peace and quiet.
Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!


Congratulations to the graduates of masters!

Author: Elena on 24-12-2016, 01:10, Views: 3 174


21-23 december 2016 took place on the protection of master's diploma students work on a specialty 8.18010010 "Quality, standardization and certification"
