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Training "Internationalisation of science for sustainable development of higher education"

Author: Elena on 29-06-2024, 01:42, Views: 154

Our young scientists, postgraduate students and masters took part in a two-day training on "Internationalisation of Science for Sustainable Development of Higher Education" as part of the THEA Ukraine X project (funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)). You can find out how it went in the full news.

Educational event "How the slogan "Glory to Ukraine!"

Author: Elena on 21-09-2023, 21:01, Views: 481

21.09.23 Tetiana Fursova - associate professor of the department, held a curatorial educational hour with students of the 1st year of the academic group DEA-A23 (174 Automation, computer-integrated technologies and robotics). 

Receiving certificates from the STEM School

Author: Elena on 17-04-2023, 14:07, Views: 518

In March 2023, students of the Department of Automation, Metrology and Energy-Efficient Technologies of the Faculty of Energy and Automation from groups DEA-T19, DEA-A22prisk, DEA-St22prisk participated in STEM School: your first path to success. They studied the peculiarities of scientific activity, programming, organizing work using memes and much more. Now the girls and their mentors have received certificates from the school.

Cyber security tips and wartime fraud schemes

Author: Elena on 14-04-2023, 21:50, Views: 787

As part of the All-Ukrainian information campaign of the National Bank of Ukraine and the educational project of the National Bank of Ukraine "Marathon of Ambassadors of the "Fraud Goodbye!" Campaign against payment fraud, students of the DEA-A22 accelerated group with the curator Fursova T.M. attended an online lecture on the topic: "Cybersecurity tips and fraud schemes in wartime" on April 13, 2023.

Seminar "Academic Integrity"

Author: Elena on 7-04-2023, 23:38, Views: 641

On April 7, 2023, a general academic seminar on the topic: "Academic integrity" was held at the Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy.

STEM School

Author: Elena on 20-03-2023, 21:36, Views: 524

March 13-17, 2023, the department's graduate education groups DEA-T19 (curator - V.V. Khomenko), DEA-A22 prisk (curator - T.M. Fursova), DEA-St22prisk (curator - O.M. Cherniak) participated in STEM School: Your First Path to Success. Organizers of the events are the public organization "Women's League" and the "Ambassadors of European Will" network.

Visiting the gender museum

Author: Elena on 7-03-2023, 09:45, Views: 497

06.03.23 education seekers of the DEA-A22 group together with curator Fursova T.M. visited the online presentation of the virtual exposition of the Museum of Women's and Gender History "Truth about March 8", which is held as part of the Women's History Month by the Center for Gender Culture.

Congratulations to the graduates of masters!

Author: Elena on 7-12-2022, 00:28, Views: 525

On December 06, 2022, master's qualification works were defended. Part-time students of the educational program "Professional Education (Labor Protection)" adequately presented their scientific work. We wish graduates success in their professional activities!

Congratulations to the graduates of masters!

Author: Elena on 1-12-2022, 13:36, Views: 549

On 30.11.2022, the defense of qualifying papers for full-time students under the educational program "Quality, standardization and certification" took place. We are proud and wish you success in your professional activities!

Online meeting of the student scientific circle

Author: Elena on 16-10-2022, 01:26, Views: 641

On October 15, 2022, the department held an online meeting of the student research group "Energy-efficient automated management of technological objects and systems" under the leadership of associate professors Tetiana Fursova and Andrii Mezeria.
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