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The victory in the international tournament in powerlifting
Author: Кафедра ОТСиС on 24-04-2016, 01:05, Views: 2 657
In an open international tournament in powerlifting and bench press, student group ДЕА-ПО15 Valeriia Sych won in the disciplines of "Lifting the biceps" and "Many repeated mode" in the weight category 75 kg. We congratulate her on the victory and wish them further sporting success!
Defense of dissertations
Author: Elena on 22-04-2016, 23:00, Views: 4 296
21.04.2016 and 22.04.2016 the regular meeting of the Dissertation Council К.64.108.04 on specialty 05.01.02 - standardization, certification and metrology (the chairman - doctor of technical sciences, professor Roman Trisch), which passed public defense of dissertations Ostroverh Elena, Lappo Irina, Koval Andrey, Burdeyna Viktoriya - for the scientific degree of candidate of technical sciences.
Winning the All-Ukrainian competition in powerlifting "Gym4life"
Author: Кафедра ОТСиС on 21-04-2016, 12:28, Views: 2 650
During the All-Ukrainian competition in powerlifting "Gym4life" student group ДЕА-ПО15 Sych Valeriia won in the disciplines of "Lifting the biceps" and "Many repeated mode" in the weight category 75 kg. We congratulate her on the victory and wish them further sporting success!
Winning the national competition of student papers
Author: Кафедра ОТСиС on 8-04-2016, 09:40, Views: 2 803
The National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine awarded the winners of the second stage of the All-Ukrainian student research in the field "Civil defense and fire safety." Industry Competition Commission II stage of Ukrainian student research in the field "Civil defense and fire safety" provided a review of 59 student papers received from 24 universities. April 7 in the conference hall of the institution vice-rector of civil defense, Colonel Vladimir Andronov presented awards. Diplomas and degrees awarded Tatyana Bozhko from the Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy. Congratulations to Tatyana with the victory and wish further success in teaching and scientific work!
A visit to the interactive exhibition "Rethinking: learning from nature"
Author: Kiporenko on 5-04-2016, 13:58, Views: 4 305
April 1, 2016 Faculty students visited the Environmental interactive exhibition "Rethinking: learning from nature" that "LandauCentre" organized together with the German cultural center "Goethe Institute". It is dedicated to the four elements: water, fire, earth and air, which can be both creators and destroyers.
All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad on "Labour Safety"
Author: Кафедра ОТСиС on 25-03-2016, 19:15, Views: 2 770
During the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad on the subject "Labour Safety" student gr. ДЕА-ПОО12+ПОО13пр Balanovich Alesya received the diploma of III degree. We wish them further success in their studies and research work!
VI place in the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad
Author: Кафедра ОТСиС on 25-03-2016, 08:38, Views: 2 721
During the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in "Metrology and Information and Measurement Technologies" student gr. ДЕА-ПОСт13 Oksana Poustovit took VI place among the 60 participants from all regions of Ukraine. Supervisor - Associate Professor, Department of Labour Safety, Standardization and Certification Daniel Shmatkov. Have energy in overcoming new scientific heights!
Ukrainian Student Olympiad in "Basis of Labour Safety"
Author: Кафедра ОТСиС on 24-03-2016, 23:04, Views: 2 779
Seminar for the implementation of Quality Management Systems
Author: Kiporenko on 22-03-2016, 15:32, Views: 2 621
Visiting the exhibition "CMI. Electronics. Energy - 2016"
Author: Kiporenko on 22-03-2016, 14:14, Views: 3 090