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Training "Internationalisation of science for sustainable development of higher education"

Author: Elena on 29-06-2024, 01:42, Views: 154

Our young scientists, postgraduate students and masters took part in a two-day training on "Internationalisation of Science for Sustainable Development of Higher Education" as part of the THEA Ukraine X project (funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)). You can find out how it went in the full news.

Meetings with applicants for the third educational and scientific level "Doctor of Philosophy"

Author: Elena on 13-03-2024, 13:26, Views: 263

During February-March, the AMET Department held a series of meetings of teachers and students of the third educational and scientific level "Doctor of Philosophy" in the speciality 175 (152) "Quality, Standardisation and Metrological Support" of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd years. The meetings discussed issues of quality assurance, assessment methods and criteria, implementation of educational and scientific components of the third degree, revision of the curriculum, ensuring the quality and safety of the educational environment, planning of scientific activities and scientific events for 2024, etc.


World Science Day for Peace and Development

Author: Elena on 10-11-2023, 12:12, Views: 396

Congratulations to scientists! The theme of World Science Day is 10 November 2023: Building trust in science. The role of science in shaping our common future can only be fulfilled when there is trust in science. It is trust in science that promotes the development and application of science-based solutions to the multifaceted challenges of our world. In addition, increased trust in science strengthens science-based policy decisions and public support for their application.

Online career guidance meetings

Author: Elena on 7-11-2023, 11:04, Views: 424

7 November 2023, students of municipal educational institutions of the Rohan village council of the Kharkiv district of the Kharkiv region joined the career guidance event organised by representatives of the Faculty of Energy and Automation. Details in the full news.

Educational event "How the slogan "Glory to Ukraine!"

Author: Elena on 21-09-2023, 21:01, Views: 481

21.09.23 Tetiana Fursova - associate professor of the department, held a curatorial educational hour with students of the 1st year of the academic group DEA-A23 (174 Automation, computer-integrated technologies and robotics). 

Progressive teaching: components of the quality system of higher education

Author: Elena on 4-05-2023, 15:20, Views: 607

Associate professors of the department Tetiana Fursova and Olena Cherniak participated in online training events "Progressive teaching: components of the quality system of higher education". Read the full news for details.

Participation of the representative of the department in the activities for the Day of labor protection

Author: Elena on 29-04-2023, 15:28, Views: 540

Assistant professor of the department Olena Cherniak took part in an event for the Day of Labor Protection at the Kharkiv Regional Employment Service. In her report, she familiarized employees and heads of departments with the rules for maintaining mental health at the workplace in wartime conditions, talked about measures of psychosocial support and ways to combat stress.

Memorial Day of the Chernobyl tragedy

Author: Elena on 26-04-2023, 18:12, Views: 528

On April 26, 2023, the teachers of the department held an educational event dedicated to the International Day of Remembrance of the Chernobyl disaster. The event was attended by almost 100 listeners, among whom were representatives of the student body and teaching staff of UEPA.

Receiving certificates from the STEM School

Author: Elena on 17-04-2023, 14:07, Views: 518

In March 2023, students of the Department of Automation, Metrology and Energy-Efficient Technologies of the Faculty of Energy and Automation from groups DEA-T19, DEA-A22prisk, DEA-St22prisk participated in STEM School: your first path to success. They studied the peculiarities of scientific activity, programming, organizing work using memes and much more. Now the girls and their mentors have received certificates from the school.

Winter school of a young scientist 3.0.

Author: Elena on 15-04-2023, 21:09, Views: 554

Congratulations to Docent, Ph.D., Head of the Council of Young Scientists of UEPA, Olena Cherniak, on the successful completion of the Winter School of Young Scientist 3.0.
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